the slow burn

the slow burn

This is the painting for the bomb side of Making Bread (not bombs). The brilliant Ray Fennely photographed it in sections (the original is almost 7 feet long) and spliced the sections back together.Now I am dropping out text and cutting it apart again to fit the template for laser cutting the sections, and I am beginning to see a pinprick of  light at the end of the tunnel! The other explosion paintings may become book covers or pages for other books. Later. I have almost completed a spreadsheet of countries of the world (234 of them) with names of their traditional breads and time zones so they can be sorted. Maps of Mesopotamia and Iraq, and snippets of text from various sources will tie up the package. The logistics of printing and laser cutting, determined by the idiosyncrasies of the machines, have been, um, fascinating to work out. The patient and jovial Ken Holden has helped me produce Corel Draw files that the laser cutter will be happy with. And so the project progresses at a slow burn. (I’m hoping this week I’ll finally be IN the tunnel!)...